Half-Term Booking Tickets
Instructions for booking and paying
Please fill in your details below in our Booking Form. You can then pay using either a Debit/Credit card or your Paypal account.
Please use the same email address for your Booking Form entry and your payment via Card/Paypal, it helps us correspond your order with your payment when we receive it.
All areas of the Booking Form need to be filled in, any that are not applicable please enter N/A.
Select below which activity you want to order and if you want to have a lunch provided or not, then press the 'Add to Cart' button,
you will be taken through to the payment section. You can press on multiple options and then check them in the Cart before making any payment.
Many thanks.
Please fill in your details below in our Booking Form. You can then pay using either a Debit/Credit card or your Paypal account.
Please use the same email address for your Booking Form entry and your payment via Card/Paypal, it helps us correspond your order with your payment when we receive it.
All areas of the Booking Form need to be filled in, any that are not applicable please enter N/A.
Select below which activity you want to order and if you want to have a lunch provided or not, then press the 'Add to Cart' button,
you will be taken through to the payment section. You can press on multiple options and then check them in the Cart before making any payment.
Many thanks.
MFYP ‐ Bury Oct Half term 2023
MFYP Ltd, 69-87 Bolton Road, Bury. BL8-2AH.
23rd - 27th Sep 2023
(A jam packed week of activities) For more details press here!
Anyone aged between 6–13 years can participate all delivered at our own superb venue on the outskirts of Bury town centre.
MFYP Ltd, 69-87 Bolton Road, Bury. BL8-2AH.
23rd - 27th Sep 2023
(A jam packed week of activities) For more details press here!
Anyone aged between 6–13 years can participate all delivered at our own superb venue on the outskirts of Bury town centre.
We also accept cash payments in person for all bookings. Breakfast can be added for an extra £2.00 per child per day.
(If you have any special dietary requirements please include them in the Booking Form below).
(If you have any special dietary requirements please include them in the Booking Form below).
Full Day 8.00am – 5.30pm £30.00 per child.
4 Full Days 8.00am – 5.30pm £120.00 per child.
4 Full Days 8.00am – 5.30pm including breakfast = £128.00 per child.
Short Day 10:00am – 4:00pm £24.00 per child.
Short Day 10:00am – 4:00pm including breakfast & lunch = £26.00 per child.
(Sibling discount available on request, please contact us for further information)
Full Week Prices:
Full Day Full Week 8.00am – 5.30pm Monday – Friday £150.00 per child.
Full Day Full Week 8.00am – 5.30pm Monday – Friday including breakfast = £160.00 per child.
Full Day Full Week 8.00am – 5.30pm Monday – Friday including breakfast = £160.00 per child.
Short Day Full Week 10am – 4pm Monday – Friday £120.00 per child.
Short Day Full Week 10am – 4pm Monday – Friday including breakfast = £128.00 per child.
Short Week (4 days) 10am – 4pm £90.00 per child.
Short Week (4 days) 10am – 4pm including breakfast = £98.00 per child.
(Sibling discount available on request, please contact us for further information)
Booking Form
When you press 'Submit' please ensure that the 'Thank you. Your information has been sent.' message appears to make sure your booking order has sent correctly.
When you press 'Submit' please ensure that the 'Thank you. Your information has been sent.' message appears to make sure your booking order has sent correctly.
MFYP - Oldham Summer Camp 2019
Details coming soon
Details coming soon
MFYP - Manchester Summer Camp 2019
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Details coming soon